Theme for this Term
This term our theme is PRIDE in the World with a big focus on the Olympics, the area of Technology and also our class country Jamaica. Whenever we are researching a theme or topic, a good way of doing this is to follow an inquiry process model to help us to cover all areas of our investigation. This term we will be using our school inquiry model which is divided into five stages stated below....
Stage 1: Exploring/ Defining/ Planning
Brainstorm what they know about the topic. Creating questions they would like to investigate.
Stage 2: Locating/ Selecting and Organising
Brainstorming different ways they can find the information to answer their questions. Which information will they select and use?
Stage 3: Processing/ Deciding and Judging
Researching and decide what information to use, key words.
How does this information support the inquiry?
Is my information easy to understand and suitable to the target audience?
Stage 4: Communicating/Presenting.
Students to plan and choose an effective way to present their inquiry learning.
Stage 5: Evaluation/Reflection
Reflective questioning- What went well? What could we do better? Where to next?
Our School Waharoa
This week we went to visit our school Waharoa outside the school office and discussed the importance of our Waharoa, what it represents and what it means to us. At our Team assembly on Wednesday afternoon Anahera and Timothy shared their writing with all the High Flyers. Check out their writing below...
Well done Rising Stars ... Love your work Anahera and Tim ... Inquiry looks Awesome!