Thursday, May 5, 2016

Week One

This week The Rising Stars have settled back into school really well and are excited to see what the new term brings.  We have discussed our classroom rules, expectations and our school PRIDE values to ensure we are on the right track to managing ourselves and ready to achieve the goals we set in our learning.  

Our theme for this term is Me and my Community, and in our class we will be looking at creating our own question or questions, and using the inquiry process of deciding, finding, selecting, using, presenting and evaluating to investigate it.

Today in Reading the Bears group performed their very first play called Double Feature in front of the whole class and did an amazing job entertaining us.  Their learning focus was to read fluently with expression and they very much achieved that!  It was great to see how confident they were and when the play was finished the rest of the class gave them some awesome feedback on their performance. Tumeke Bears!

In Maths over the next four weeks our focus is on multiplication and division.  We have been building up our knowledge and instant recall of our timetables to enable us to use different strategies to solve multiplication and division problems with higher numbers.  Here are some pics of a few members of the yellow group using place value to solve one of the problems. Well done Dantae, Paul and Gabriel!

1 comment:

  1. What awesome photos showing you all enjoying your learning ... Well done rising stars
