Monday, February 15, 2016

Welcome back to Term 1!

Room 21's Rising Stars

Welcome back to Term 1 everybody!  The Rising Stars have already made a great start to the year and have demonstrated an awesome attitude in class and an eagerness in their learning. We have gone about creating our class treaty and rules together and have explored what our school values PRIDE are and how we can practise them.  Our theme for the term is Pride in me and this will enable us to get to know one another and build positive relationships in our classroom.  

The Rising Stars- Our class name (Branding)

A rising star can be defined as a person who is likely to be successful in a particular sport, art or area. This is how we want to see ourselves and we aim to set goals, achieve them and keep on striving towards excellence. 

This multi-coloured star is our class symbol and it represents the colours of our school values PRIDE.  We believe the values of participation, respect, integrity, determination and empathy are so important in our learning journey and we endeavour to practise these values in our class and school.


  1. Like your photo Rising Stars :)

  2. Great first blog Rising Stars ... Looking forward to following your learning journeys this year :):)

  3. Awesome kick start to the blogging Rising Stars. Great demonstration of what the rising stars mean. Keep up the great work.

  4. yay ... your blog is now linked to our facebook and website ... looking forward to following your blogs!
